Get Involved

Volunteering is an enriching experience, with many volunteers signing on year after year.

The Riverland Paddling Marathon could not run without the assistance of volunteers each year. A significant number of volunteers are required each year, and if you would like to contribute to this fantastic event, we would like to hear from you.

If you are interested in volunteering, please send an e-mail with your contact details to to discuss the possibility lending your support to this event.

Each year we have a dedicated team from Victor Harbor Goolwa Sea Rescue Squadron who supply our Rescue / Safety Craft, the four crews with support volunteers are experienced in providing valuable support as directed by the Rescue/Safety Craft Coordinator in communication with AREG Radio Network to control other river users as our Aquatic Activity License allows rolling closures of sections of the Murray River to other Power Craft for the duration of the Paddling Event over the three days.

The Amateur Radio Experimenters Group in partnership with the Riverland Radio Club provide Communications and Safety Support to the RPM and have done so for the last few years. AREG & RRC assist this event by building and running three radio networks aimed at tracking the participants through the course as well as monitoring the event progress downstream through the position of the Rescue/Safety Craft. Over Twenty-Five (25) volunteers man positions along the river Murray from Berri through to Morgan over the full 3 days of the annual June long weekend.

Please take a moment to check their involvement with the event on the AREG Blog