The Program contains the vital information for all paddlers and their Land/Support Crew. It includes where each paddler needs to be on each day for their event.

We encourage all participants to have this information available either on a mobile device or printed out to have with you over the weekend.

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E14: -34.174264, 139.984467
E01: -34.290623, 140.629935
E08: -34.288690, 140.368608
E20: -34.036622, 139.672987
E04: -34.449277, 140.562016
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Martin's Bend via Berri - The start of the RPM 200 and 200 Relay

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Loxton - The start of the RPM 100 and Scrutineering point for RPM 100, 50 and MM35

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Moorook - Finish Day 1 and Start Day 2 for the RPM 200 and 200 Relay

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Waikerie - Finish for day 2 and start for day 3 RPM 200 and 200 Relay

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Morgan - Finish for the RPM


The Murray 200 and 200 Relay

The Murray 200 is the ultimate endurance challenge covering 208 km of the Lower Murray River between Berri and Morgan, over 3 days.

Day 1Martins Bend
Day 2Devlins Pound upto Overland CornerWaikerie69
Day 3WaikerieMorgan63

Murray 200 Relay

The 200 Relay is a team event. Following the same course as the Murray 200, teams swap crews for each leg of the course. Slower, non-competitive, teams can arrange for early starts on each leg in order to comfortably finish each day. Start Finish Distance

StartFinishDistance (km)
Leg 1Martins BendLock 412
Leg 2Lock 4Loxton
Leg 3LoxtonNew Residence26
Leg 4New ResidenceMoorook11
Day 2
Leg 1Devlins PoundOverland Corner20
Leg 2Overland CornerDevlins Pound23
Leg 3Devlins PoundWaikerie26
Day 3
Leg 1WaikerieLock 220
Leg 2Lock 2Cadell31
Leg 3CadellMorgan12

Registration and Scrutineering, Day 1

6.00 am – 6.30 am Martins Bend Berri.

Compulsory Daily Briefing

Day 1 – Martins Bend Berri – 06.30 am.
Day 2 – Devlin’s Pound – 06.30 am
Day 3 Waikerie – 06.15 am


First start follows the briefing each morning, with class starts as nominated by the Race Director and may vary from day to day.

*Early starts may be arranged. However paddlers requiring such concession should consult the Race Director as early as possible.

The Murray 100 and Single Day

The Murray 100 is a popular event with mid-morning starts over 3 days finishing each day at the same point as the Murray 200. The Single day is Day 2 (Sunday) of the 100.

StartFinishDistance (km)
Day 1LoxtonMoorook37
Day 2Devlins PoundWaikerie26
Day 3Caudo VineyardMorgan30

Registration and Scrutineering, Day 1
9.00 am to 10.00am Loxton Boat Ramp.
Registration – Single Day
9.30 am to 10.30 am Devlins Pound.
Compulsory Daily Briefing
Day 1 Loxton Boat Ramp – 10.30 am
Day 2 Devlins Pound – 10.30 am
Day 3 Caudo Vineyard – 10.00 am

First start follows the briefing each morning, with class starts as nominated by the Race Director and may vary from day to day.

*Early starts may be arranged.

The Mini Marathon

The Mini Marathon allows junior and novice paddlers to participate in the weekends activities at a distance that they feel comfortable with.

StartFinishDistance (km)
Day 1New ResidenceMoorook11
Day 2LowbankWaikerie12
Day 3CadellMorgan12

Registration and Scrutineering, Day 1
10.00 am to 10.30 am Loxton Boat Ramp.

Compulsory Daily Briefing
Day 1 New Residence – 1.00 pm
Day 2 Lowbank – 12.30 pm
Day 3 Cadell – 11.30 am
First start follows the briefing each day and start times may vary each day.

Murray 50

The Murray 50 provides an additional challenge beyond the Mini. Paddling the same distance as the mini on days 1 and 3 the 100 distance on day 2.

StartFinishDistance (km)
Day 1New ResidenceMoorook11
Day 2Devlins PoundWaikerie26
Day 3CadellMorgan12

Registration and Scrutineering, Day 1
10.00 am to 10.30 am Loxton Boat Ramp.
Compulsory Daily Briefing
Day 1 New Residence – 1:00 pm
Day 2 Devlins Pound – 10.30 am
Day 3 Cadell – 11.30 am

First start follows the briefing each day and wave start times may vary each day.

Land Crew

Land and support crew can only access the Emergency Evacuation points indicate as Checkpoint’s or unless otherwise directed by a race official to attend to their paddlers.  All land crew are encouraged to meet with their paddlers as they progress down river at the Locks, M100 and MM35 start locations each day.

It is mandatory that competitors have nominated a land crew. The support of land crews and their responsibilities extend far beyond just driving the vehicle from the start to finish each day. This is a very demanding race in the middle of winter, so it is important that those supporting competitors are prepared for all eventualities. The race officials are there to ensure everyone has a safe and successful three days. Check your mobile phone in case officials try to contact you if your paddler has pulled out and needs to be picked up. Do ask for help if you are unsure of anything, they can “buddy” you with someone if you don’t know where to go.

  • Be prepared, read the information on hypothermia and be aware of any special medical condition which might affect your paddler.
  • Listen to the race briefings each day, some of the information is for land crew. Make sure your paddler is aware of any changed conditions.
  • Be at the start on time and make sure you are at the finish with any things your paddler may need including dry clothes when your paddler is due to finish.

All craft may be assisted by land crew from the water to the closest land.

No exchange or substitution of craft is permitted except according to the rules for Relay Challenge. In the event of capsize, a paddler may receive aid to empty the craft and to regain seating position and must report into the Race Officials at the next Emergency Evacuation checkpoint.

  • In an emergency you will need to be available to pick up your paddler with dry clothes and a warm drink if he/she pulls out. If you will not be
    available for some reason make sure you inform the officials or make arrangements with another ground crew to meet your responsibilities. Emergency evacuation points marked on maps and by signage on main roads.
  • At the end of the day land crew must be responsible for collecting all the paddling gear and the boat number when the competitor comes off the water. Equipment and clothing will need to be checked and in good condition for the race the next day.
  • Land crews should encourage competitors to eat and have a warm drink after paddling; get them into warm clothing as soon as possible.
  • Have any injuries treated by the Canoe Medic, who will record those details on behalf of the RPM Race Director and have the campsite set up so they can go and rest.

Please note: If you volunteer to drive anyone else’s car you are responsible for that vehicle. Make sure you are insured in the case of an accident. Read the club’s policy on volunteer drivers as outlined in the Policy, Rules and Conditions section.

Day 1 Berri to Moorook map

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RPM Day 1

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E01: -34.290623, 140.629935
E08: -34.288690, 140.368608
E04: -34.449277, 140.562016
E02: -34.341390, 140.577600
E03: -34.392892, 140.583828
E05: -34.445070, 140.501661
E06: -34.377552, 140.466685
E07: -34.370229, 140.406480
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Martin's Bend via Berri - The start of the RPM 200 and 200 Relay

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Lock 4  - Day 1 Checkpoint RPM 200 and 200 Relay

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Rilli Island - Emergency Evacuation Point

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Loxton - The start of the RPM 100 and Scrutineering point for RPM 100, 50 and MM35

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Pyap -Emergency Evacuation Point

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Loveday/Gerard - Observation and Monitoring point - No river access

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New Residence - Start of the RPM50 and MM35 on day 1  checkpoint E7 for RPM 200, 200 Relay and RPM 100

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Moorook - Finish Day 1 and Start Day 2 for the RPM 200 and 200 Relay


Checkpoint Location DistanceClosing Time
Start M200 & R200Martins Bend
CP 1Lock 4129:00 AM
CP 2 Start M100 Loxton2712:30 PM
CP 3 Start MM M50New Residence264:00 PM
FinishMoorook115:30 PM
Day Total Murray 200 76
DayTotal Murray 10037
Day Total Mini Marathon & M5011

Land Crew Directions – DAY 1

These directions are provided for Land crews to assist in navigation between key points. Along the way there will be RPM Race signs and arrows placed at turning points to assist you with directions.

Murray 200 Relay Start

Martins Bend (Checkpoint 1) As you leave Martins Bend, turn left onto the roadway to Berri and cross the bridge. Proceed approximately 6km to the Lock 4 turn off. Turn right and travel approx. 2km along the road to Checkpoint 1 at Lock 4.

All Murray 200 and Relay paddlers will have times recorded on arrival at the lock. The time spent waiting at and in the lock will be deducted from the paddler’s time. They will then be asked to wait on the high river side of the Lock before being directed through the Lock in one group.

Lock 4 to Loxton (checkpoint 2)
Go back the same way from Lock 4 and turn right onto the highway to Loxton. Turn right at the roundabout into East Terrace, Loxton’s main street. Proceed to end and turn left toward Caravan Park. Proceed past Historic Village and turn right at next intersection towards the river and CP 2 at the boat ramp.

Murray 100 Start

Loxton to New Residence (checkpoint 3)
Proceed back up East Terrace, (Loxton’s main shopping street) to the large roundabout and turn right. Travel approx. 21km straight along the highway and turn right at the New Residence sign. Proceed approx. 1km down gravel road to New Residence, checkpoint 3.

Mini Marathon and M50 Start

21 km west of Loxton turn right at New Residence sign (or approx. 12 km SE of Moorook turn left) and proceed approx. 1km down gravel road.

See Program for daily briefing times.

New Residence to Moorook (Finish Day1)
Go back up the gravel road to the highway. Turn right and travel approx. 12km to the boat ramp, on the right in the centre of Moorook South, where all events finish.

Day 2 Moorook to Waikerie

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RPM Day 2

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E14: -34.174264, 139.984467
E08: -34.288690, 140.368608
E09: -34.226458, 140.367422
E10: -34.187826, 140.359354
E11: -34.175169, 140.265520
E12: -34.158817, 140.200835
E13: -34.183415, 140.068823
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Moorook - Finish Day 1 and Start Day 2 for the RPM 200 and 200 Relay

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KOM - Emergency Eacuation Point

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Lock 3 - Checkpoint for RPM 200 and 200 Relay

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Wigley Flat - Emergency Eacuation Point

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Devlins Pound - Start for Day 2 of the RPM 100, RPM 50 and Single Day,  Checkpoint for RPM 200 and 200 Relay

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Lowbank - Day 2 Start of the MM35, checkpoint for RPM 200, 200 Relay, RPM 100, RPM 50 and Single Day 

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Waikerie - Finish for day 2 and start for day 3 RPM 200 and 200 Relay


CheckpointLocationDistanceClosing Time
Start M200 & R200Moorook
CP 1Lock 320 km10:15 AM
CP 2 Start M100 and M50Devlins Pound23 km1:30 PM
Start MM Lowbank Landing14 km
FinishWaikerie12 km5:00 PM
Day Total Murray 20069 km
Day Total Murray 20026 km
Day Total Mini Marathon12 km

Land Crew Directions – DAY 2

Murray 200 Relay Start

Devlins Pound to Overland Corner (Checkpoint 1)
Turn right onto the highway and proceed approx. 11km to the “T” junction. Turn right at the Lock 3 sign. Proceed approx. 2km to the Lock.

Overland Corner to Devlin’s Pound (Checkpoint 2)
Proceed back up the road from Overland Corner to the highway and turn left. Travel approx. 17km until you see the Canoe Race Arrow immediately after the grapevines, opposite the 140km-road marker. Turn left down the gravel road. Be careful, as this road is very steep and rough. Travel approx. 1km to the checkpoint and start of the Murray 100. See map insert.

Murray 100 and M50 Start

Devlin’s Pound to Waikerie (finish day 2)
Travel back to the highway and turn left. Proceed 1km (approx.) and turn left or continue. Either will lead, after approx. 21km, to the Waikerie ferry. When across the river proceed up to the main street and turn right down to the Lions Park and oval, turn right into the park and proceed around to the boat ramp finish line.

Mini Marathon Start – Lowbank

Approximately 8.5km east of Waikerie turn off Sturt Highway on the Waikerie side of Lowbank and proceed approx.1.5km to the Lowbank Landing water ski club ramp.

See Program for daily briefing times. Finish at Waikerie.

Day 3 Waikerie to Morgan

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RPM Day 3

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E14: -34.174264, 139.984467
E20: -34.036622, 139.672987
E15: -34.149353, 139.912863
E16: -34.077190, 139.932990
E17: -34.065601, 139.838662
E18: -34.045397, 139.824457
E19: -34.028691, 139.757767
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Waikerie - Finish for day 2 and start for day 3 RPM 200 and 200 Relay

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Ramco Point - Observation and Monitoring point - No river access

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Lock 2 - Checkpoint for RPM 200 and Relay 200 - note access is via dirt track

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Caudo Vineyard - Day 3 start of the RPM 100 and checkpoint for RPM 200 and 200 Relay

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Molo Flat - Emergency Evacuation point

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Cadell - Day 3 Start of the MM35 and RPM 50, Checkpoint for the RPM 200, 200 Relay and RPM 100

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Morgan - Finish for the RPM


CheckpointLocationDistanceClosing Time
Start M200 & R200Waikerie
CP 1Lock 220 km10:00 AM
Start M100 Caudo Vineyard13 km
CP 2 Start MM and M50Cadell18 km2:30 PM
FinishMorgan12 km 33:45 PM
Day Total Murray 20063 km
Day Total Murray 10030 km
Day Total Mini Marathon and M5012 km

Land Crew Directions – DAY 3

Murray 200 Relay Start

Waikerie to Lock 2 (checkpoint 1) – either side of the Lockmaster’s House
Proceed back across the ferry and travel in the direction of Taylorville. At the junction of the Barmera to Morgan Road (approx. 10km) turn left. It is then 5km to the entrance to Lock 2 on the left. Enter the Lock 2 grounds and take the track to the left before the lockmaster’s house. Keep going down the track to the checkpoint and follow the officials’ instructions.

All Murray 200 and Relay paddlers will have times recorded on arrival at the lock. The time spent waiting at and in the lock will be deducted from the paddler’s time. They will then be asked to wait on the high river side of the Lock before being directed through the Lock in one group.

Lock 2 to Cadell (checkpoint 2)
Return to the highway and turn left. Proceed approx.18km to the Cadell Ferry sign and turn left. Once across the river turn the first right, then right again and then right again down to the checkpoint on the river.

Cadell to Morgan (Finish line)
Go back across the river via the Cadell ferry, up the hill and turn left. Travel approx.10km to Morgan. Turn left at the very large Ferry sign, down the hill to the reserve on the left (see map). Park as indicated by officials.
Drive into Cadell and take the road on the right towards Morgan. Cross on the ferry at Morgan and turn into the reserve on the right as you travel away from the river

Murray 100 Start

Waikerie to Murray 100 start, Caudo Vineyard
From Waikerie turn right onto the main road to Ramco. Do not cross the river. Proceed 21km to the Hogwash Bend sign. Turn right, then 2nd left to Caudo Vineyard Entry

Caudo Vineyard to Cadell
Go back towards the highway and turn right. Proceed to Cadell approx.11km. Turn left before the ferry and right at the checkpoint.

Mini Marathon and M50 Start

Start at Cadell checkpoint, southern side of the river downstream of the ferry.
Cadell to Morgan (Finish Line all events)
Cross the river via the Cadell ferry. Go up the hill and turn left. Travel approx.10km to Morgan. Turn left at the very large ferry sign, down the hill to the reserve on the left (see map). Park as indicated by officials.
Drive into Cadell and take the road on the right towards Morgan. Cross on the ferry at Morgan and turn into the reserve immediately on the right as you travel away from the river.